Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First clear day

On Sunday we had our first clear day in I don't know how long.  I can't remember the last time I saw a sky that blue, but we spent almost every minute of it outside soaking up the sunshine.  It was such a welcome change that the kids immediately lost their shoes and socks.  At one point I discovered Moonshine hanging from a tree in only a t-shirt and shorts, while Sunburst announced that it felt like January in Arizona.

Einstein and I made the best of it by getting to some much needed yardwork-- the final layer of autumn leaves that we never quite got around to and cutting back everything that had died in the icy winter.  It wasn't long before the kids climbed down from the trees to help us, and then everyone went back to playing.

Kitty Bill was delighted that the pond in our garden had thawed so he could sail his wooden boat.  To his delight there was something moving in the pond. (Click to make them larger.)

In all fairness, Einstein discovered them first and later scooped out a few eggs to show the kids.  The green stuff is duckweed.  The kids each thumbed through the field guide and independently decided that our pond friends are called common frogs.

Later, we sat around burning stuff with magnifying glasses, because... isn't that what everyone does? Who knows when our next clear day will come again.

1 comment:

  1. A pond is a perfect learning tool for homeschoolers! My kids have been fascinated with our little water garden and all the critters in and around it too.


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